It is so true. I'm actually having anxiety about this. You see, last week I finished the book. Well, I finished the 2nd draft. It's no where near ready, but the meat of it is complete. So where do I go now?
Let me tell you. Everyone has an opinion. You'll never get it published. Digital's the way to go. E publishing's the way to go. Okay, Okay.
What I'm finding out is that when you're ready to take the next steps, there are tons of people that will help you. The important thing is to listen to your heart and listen to your protagonist. They've been your best friend for at least a year, right?
You do have to learn. I feel like I'm in graduate school. I spend about four hours a day just researching, learning, reading, and talking to people. Amazing things are happening. My daughter told me about an author, Lizzie Ford, and I Facebooked her. She wrote back and gifted me two books on e publishing. People are offering to help. It's the way we are no a days. A connected community.
This week, I'm learning how to twitter, make a web page, do Linkedin, create an author page, pick up this blog and how to let the process flow. I am so excited about how its all going to work out. I feel to deeply about this. Merili will find a way. Look for the first 500 words at this coming weekend. And thanks for all of your support and friendship. It means the world to me.
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