
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Gardner Brings a Gift

"Danny, I need to talk to you."

I had called him after I settled down.  "What we goin to do?" He asked me in his broken English.

"Nothing, I just need to talk to you." I wanted to remain nuetral, give myself plenty of time to think.

This morning as the vet was driving away, yes he came to my house,  Danny knocked at the door and I went outside.  "Hi Danny,"

"I brought you..." and he pointed down at the ground where two huge buckets of vegtables  were.

"Wow, what's that Danny?"

"I brought for you. Pepper and stuff you like."

I saw that it was a bucket of romaine lettuce and a bell peppers. "Wow Danny." I really was touched.  He was smiling ear to ear and I reached out and gave him a hug.  His skin was moist and cool. He had just come from across the street where he also took care of someone else's yard.

Yesterday I had talked to him and showed him how he had mowed down the garden.  He kept saying, "We don't have that in the Philipines."

It's amazing how things can change in such a short time.

Goodness has spread throughout my life today and I'm so grateful to all the people who helped me process this.  I acted from the heart, rather than from the hip and the results were astonishing.

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